
Tips and tools for TOEFL reading

Reading is a critical skill for the TOEFL®, as well as any student in a US college or university, where large amounts of material are given for almost every class.

In order to evaluate students’ preparedness for this reality, the TOEFL® exam reading section tests for one’s ability to read and comprehend passages in English. The essays found on the test are written in an academic style on a large variety of topics.

The material and even some vocabulary can be very specialized, and new to those taking the TOEFL® exam, however, your TOEFL® preparation does not need to include in-depth understanding of these topics.

The TOEFL® exam is only looking for the ability to understand the text as presented, and answer questions related to it. Let’s take a look at some TOEFL® practice tips and tools to maximize results on the Reading section of the TOEFL® exam.

Start reading TOEFL® style

It is important to start reading as soon as possible when preparing for the TOEFL® test. While any reading will be of benefit, to get the most out of your TOEFL® test prep, focus your reading practice on appropriate material.

This means reading at a level that will help you to accomplish the scores you are aiming for on the test and, one of the most important steps, to practice on academic texts. TOEFL® passages can come right out of basic college textbooks on any number of subjects.

One thing to take advantage of when studying from a basic academic textbooks are the concluding summary usually at the end of a chapter, as well as summary questions. Focusing on these sections offer opportunities to practice, and test, reading in exactly the same style TOEFL® test developers use on their exams.

However, there is one difference to keep in mind. The summary questions at the end of a textbook are looking for something different than the TOEFL® exam questions, so don’t judge your TOEFL® preparation by your answers to those questions.

When taking the TOEFL® exam, all the answers you need will be in the passage, with no deeper knowledge required of the subject. However, these are still excellent sources for reading material and TOEFL® exam style reading passages.

Build TOEFL® vocabulary

When you come across unfamiliar words in an article be sure to pay attention and use the experience to gain skills that can be of use in your preparation for the TOEFL® exam.

Build up a list of words you can review throughout your practices to increase your knowledge and comprehension. This will help in every part of the exam. You can split new words up by category or any group, make flashcards or any tool that works for you, but make sure to use and review them often.

Take TOEFL® notes

Note taking is a tool allowed on test day and one that you can practice when preparing for the TOEFL® exam. Taking notes while reading will help ensure that you are actively reading and getting the most out of your preparation.

It is possible to read a paragraph and never know what you just read. This is a waste of your time during the TOEFL® prep process. When reading, take notes on the main idea and summarize the paragraph you’ve just completed.

Speaking the summary aloud is also a good way to practice this vital technique of summarization. This can enhance your understanding of the material. Developing your own summary questions that more match the TOEFL® questions, as opposed to the ones mentioned earlier, is also a good way to practice for the TOEFL® reading section.

If you can imagine the types of questions they have for you on the TOEFL® you’ll be able to answer them too.

These were just a few of the tips and ideas to focus on when doing your TOEFL® preparation for the reading section of the TOEFL® exam. In other posts we will follow up on other strategies to get the most out of your TOEFL® preparation for reading as well as other areas of the TOEFL® test.

Had you previously implemented any of the points discussed in this article? Tell us below in the comment box.

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