Category: Career

  • 7 Effective Ways to Make Your Resumé Stand Out as a College Senior

    7 Effective Ways to Make Your Resumé Stand Out as a College Senior

    As a college senior, you’re on the brink of entering the competitive job market, and your resumé plays a crucial role in making a lasting impression on potential employers. With numerous applicants vying for the same positions, it’s essential that your resumé stands out from the crowd. Here are seven effective strategies to help you…

  • Essential Advice for College Students Considering an MBA

    Essential Advice for College Students Considering an MBA

    Are you a college student contemplating pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree? As you navigate the possibilities for your future career, the idea of earning an MBA can be both exciting and daunting. Here are some tailored tips to help you make an informed decision about pursuing an MBA: As a college student,…

  • Hallucinations and Overdependence on AI

    Hallucinations and Overdependence on AI

    Picture this: you’re using ChatGPT to do the legwork for a science research essay you’re writing, and at first, it seems easy. It generates paragraphs of content within seconds that are already in grammatically correct English, and it even provides a nifty list of sources for you to cite for the generated information. You hand…

  • Could artificial intelligence truly be the end of collegiate writing?

    Could artificial intelligence truly be the end of collegiate writing?

    Do you know what a mountain chicken is? What would you imagine it to look like? If you’re thinking of Foghorn Leghorn, then you’re probably old enough to be my parent, or you took a shot in the dark because this little bundle of joy is what a mountain chicken is: I say, I say,…

  • Zinkerz leads the way for students to explore and learn the language of the future: CODING!

    Zinkerz leads the way for students to explore and learn the language of the future: CODING!

    In a world of tablets and devices, with the curriculum in schools being moved to all online platforms and worries about social media influences on young children, many parents find it hard to balance “screen-time” and “screen-free time.” The discussions about screen time can cause judgment between friends and a desire to rationalize every decision…

  • Dorm Room Essentials: The Definitive Guide

    Dorm Room Essentials: The Definitive Guide

    As a high school student living with your guardians at home, you can walk to the fridge to grab a Sprite or to the pantry to pig out on as many peanut butter crackers as you’d like without giving it a second thought. It’s a mystery where all this food comes from every so often,…

  • Writing Well Means Rewriting, Rewriting, Rewriting!

    Writing Well Means Rewriting, Rewriting, Rewriting!

    We’ve all been there: when you leave a writing assignment until the last minute, you have no choice but to pound it out and submit what you have approximately three seconds before the deadline. And maybe you end up getting a good grade or receiving positive feedback on what you wrote, but “the writing process”…

  • What new changes are coming to the SAT?

    What new changes are coming to the SAT?

    In late January, the College Board dropped a huge announcement: big changes are coming to the SAT. Whether it’s through our intensive one-on-one test prep classes or multi-hour marathon study sessions, Zinkerz strives to ensure that each and every one of our students is fully prepared for their standardized tests. We’re also committed to keeping…

  • 10 New Years Resolutions for students

    10 New Years Resolutions for students

    New year, new goals! As we leave 2021 behind, it’s the perfect opportunity to set some new intentions for the upcoming year and to reflect on what you’d most like to accomplish. Here are some ideas for potential resolutions to make 2022 your most successful year yet. Aim to pick three goals to focus on…

  • Dream Learn Grow

    Dream Learn Grow

    As the world of education and test-preparation continues to rapidly shift and transform, Zinkerz too seeks to constantly evolve in order to reflect the ever transmuting needs of our students. This year, we embarked on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to reconnect with our commitment to providing each and every one of our students with…