
Math Classes

Math courses target specific gaps in learning and allow for advancement and exploration. Students learn material at their own pace and the constantly modified curriculum adapts to their needs.

Math Fundamentals

Provides a personalized math course targeting specific areas where students can improve.

After an initial assessment is analyzed, students begin one of the courses below.
The speed and difficulty of the courses are modified for individual students.

Math Fundamentals is designed to strengthen students’ math foundations, fill in any
“holes”, and increase each student’s ability and confidence in math.

Courses are equivalent to a full year of math, but can be condensed or modified based on the assessment.


1 module

Math Fundamentals – Module 1

Common Core aligned curriculum integrates coursework from towns and states to align with each student’s needs. Coursework includes a review of old material, a preview of upcoming material, added challenges and extensions where applicable, and homework help if needed. Additionally, coursework can integrate State Testing requirements.

Math Principles

Creates a personalized learning path for students to review concepts, learn new topics, and expand their overall understanding.

These courses focus on topic mastery and ensure the proper foundations are
built so students develop confidence and necessary skills for success.

Periodic assessments allow for adaptive learning paths to focus on the most needed
skills while creating a deeper understanding of other topics.

Total course length ranges from 9-24 months based on assessment and progress.


3 modules

Math Principles – Module 1

Expressions and Equations
Real Numbers
Solving Equations
Ratios and Rates
Equations of Lines
Graphing Inequalities
Systems of Equations
Operations on Polynomials
Roots and Radicals
Quadratic Equations

Math Principles – Module 2

Absolute Value Equations
Advanced Equations of Lines
Absolute Value Graphs
Systems of Inequalities
Graphing and Solving Quadratic Equations
Complex Numbers
Radical Functions and Inverses
Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Rational Functions and Equations
Conic Sections
Matrix Operations

Math Principles – Module 3

Function Operations
Graphing Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Right Triangle Trigonometry
Trigonometric Basics
Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Solving Trigonometric Equations
Power Functions and Polynomial Graphs
Operations on Rational Expressions
Graphs of Rational Functions
Graphing Trigonometric Functions

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