Coding courses offer a fun learning environment where students can get creative while learning the language of the future. They build their knowledge through project based learning and continuously add new layers of difficulty as they progress.
The platform uses distinguishable blocks that can be joined together to make objects come to life. The curriculum covers the basic logic behind object oriented programming (in other words, how to talk to the computer in a way that it understands).
The concepts learned will form the foundation for the next Scratch course.
Scratch for Beginners: Level 1 (Grades: 1-4)
In this beginner course, students will be introduced to the basics behind Scratch block coding. They will slowly add to their toolbox of programming knowledge as complexity is added to their programs each week. Students will learn new concepts about coding in a student-paced curriculum. The pace and complexity of the course are student driven so all students are challenged.
Scratch Basics: Level 2 (Grades: 3-6)
Upon completion of this class, students will have a solid understanding of programming with Scratch. They will be able to integrate different coding techniques to create unique and interesting programs. Students will start to combine all aspects of Scratch to create advanced level programs and they will be able to debug and modify other programs already created. The pace and complexity is student driven to ensure challenging and exciting material.
Intermediate Scratch: Level 3 (Grades: 5-9)
After completion of this class, students will know all available operators in Scratch and be able to code objects to do what they want. The purpose of the class is to learn high level concepts such as objects, conditions, loops, if statements, variables, functions, and arrays in a fun and interactive environment. Students will learn how to make games and use documentation as well as innovation to reverse engineer popular retro games.
Roblox Studio is a development program developed by Roblox offering an assortment of coding and building tools for developing games for Roblox for all levels. Once students create their own worlds, they enhance the features with different coding techniques. They can then share their creation with friends.
Roblox Basics: Level 1 (Grades: 1-4)
After completion of this class, students will be able to create their own world in ROBLOX. They will learn how to create and modify parts as well as terrains. They will integrate basic coding principles such as if-statements, variables, functions, and assignment of properties. The world created can be shared with friends to play together online.
Roblox Concepts: Level 2 (Grades: 3-8)
After completion of this class, students will be able to create their own world in ROBLOX. They will learn all of the basic concepts and add additional levels of difficulty and coding concepts. Students will master variables, functions and plug-ins. They will use the animation tool and integrate it with booleans and conditional-loop coding concepts. Continuation of this course will allow students to master additional coding-loops and replication concepts to allow for an advanced world creation. The world created can be shared with friends to play together online.
The primary language is JavaScript, as it is a more forgiving programming language, but the syntax is the same as with other programming languages. The app lab within will allow you to download your own code and show it off on any smart device.
App Development: Level 1 (Grades: 7-10)
Students will learn how to make a user interface (UI) and program interactive pages and objects. They explore how variables, conditionals, and functions allow for the design of increasingly complex apps. Then students will build their own app to share with friends to help them make rational decisions. While being exposed to a true programming language, students will expand their skills to create their own apps or games of their choosing.
App Development: Level 2 (Grades: 8-11)
This course introduces lists, loops, and traversals. Students will explore the way these mechanisms can be used to build apps that store and process large amounts of information. Students will also learn to program with the data library in App Lab and complete a hackathon project at the end of the unit where they can design a program about any topic of their choosing.
App Development: Level 3 (Grades: 9-12)
This course is a quick exploration of how computer scientists design algorithms to solve problems and how they analyze the speed of different algorithms. Students will learn about the concept of algorithmic efficiency through a variety of hands-on activities. They will also learn how algorithmic efficiency is being applied in modern computing. Additionally, this unit introduces parameters, return, and libraries. Students will be able to apply these concepts to build new kinds of apps as well as libraries of code that they can share with their classmates. They will end the course by designing a library of functions around any topic of their choosing.
Python is a commonly used programming language because of its high-level built-in data structures and simple, easy to learn syntax. Python is known for its ease of program creation and shorter, easier to follow code when compared to Java.
Python: Level 1 (Grades: 9-12)
In this advanced lesson plan, students will be introduced to Python as they complete engaging lessons, solve challenging puzzles, and build their own games. This course will help them adapt to the additional challenges of text-based syntax. Students who successfully complete this lesson plan will demonstrate a strong mastery of Python syntax, as well as the ability to creatively program games/other projects and debug their own code.
It is more complex than Python and code is typically longer for a similar program. However, its few dependencies allow it to run without being recompiled, which allows its classes to be reused and called upon anytime, anywhere. Java is known for its quick running time which enables more complex programs.
Java: Level 1 (Grades: 9-12)
In this advanced lesson plan, students will be introduced to Java as they learn best coding practices through game development. Students will learn about the complex yet intuitive challenges associated with text based coding. Students who successfully complete this lesson plan will demonstrate a strong mastery of Java syntax, as well as the ability to creatively program games and reusable classes.